Strength, Balance, and Coordination is what this workout will entail! In just 15 minutes you will be able to complete your at home Booty Sculptor workout while pushing your mind to healthy limits! You can start out with our beginner, moderate, or advanced workout! Whatever you choose, get ready for a little sweat and a lot of positive endorphins! If you have a yoga mat or a workout mat of some sort, please use it!
- Strengthening the largest group of muscles in your body
- Boost Metabolism
- Trim down extra fat
- Tone the muscles
- Give your booty a rounder shape
- Helps reduce back and knee pain
- Yoga Mat (Recommended for stability & comfort)
The Booty Sculptor Exercises
(Repeat 3x)
In this first exercise you will focus on “walking lunges.” Walk from one end of the room to the other and make sure the knee that is bending touches the floor. Deeper lunges are going to yield better results, so try and get as low as your body will allow. Slower is better!
Beginner: 15 reps each leg
Moderate: 20 reps each leg
Advanced: 30 reps each leg
Single Leg Dead Lifts
You will stand on your mat with your shoes no wider than comfortable stance. Fingers to touch the foot (right and left leg alternate) You will bend over (don’t arch your back too much) and touch your toes with your fingertips. The back leg should kick out to the sky. Balance is key here, so stay on balance and focus on getting those fingers to touch your balancing foot.
Beginner: 10 reps each leg
Moderate: 15 reps each leg
Advanced: 20 reps each leg
Good old-fashioned squats help a booty sculpt! In this exercise you will to make sure your feet are shoulder width apart and they are flat on the ground. No arching your back, rather keep it straight when you are getting low. Squat until you feel your heels digging into the floor, and come back up to standing position with control.
Beginner: 10 reps
Moderate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps
Donkey Kicks
You will be down on your mat on all fours, with your back level (not arched). With control, kick out one leg at a time straight back to the wall. If you need a little burn try raising your leg up to the sky. Hold for a count of 3, and then alternate your legs back and forth.
Beginner: 15 reps each leg
Moderate: 20 reps each leg
Advanced: 30 reps each leg
Glute Bridges
Lying down on your back, on your mat make sure your legs are bent and your heels are on the floor. You will gently raise your hips up off of the floor, and hold for a count of 3. Once your count is over, lower and raise the hips again.
Beginner: 10 raises
Moderate: 15 raises
Advanced: 20 raises
Repeat three times for a maximum booty burn!
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