
Core HIIT Workout

There is not a better feeling than a tight stomach region. It is probably one of the more motivating things to think about when trying to tone up your body, while getting stronger and healthier. This workout does not have to be long to feel the burn, so sit back (literally) and get ready to tighten that stomach! No equipment is needed, but if you want a mat to have under you for cushion and support you are more than welcome to have it.  This workout is to be repeated three times, for modification if you are just starting out one time will be enough.


  • Speeds Up Metabolism
  • Increases Efficiency of Using Fat as Fuel
  • Time Efficient
  • Posture
  • Alleviates Back Pain
  • Balance

*Get your stomach muscles ready for work and do some light stretches so that you do not tweak or pull a muscle!

Equipment Recommended:

  • Watch or Timer
  • Yoga Mat


Downward Dog Crunch

Are you familiar with the “Downward Dog” yoga pose? If not please look it up for further clarification. In this exercise you will be starting in downward dog position, and then with control you will alternate pulling your knee to your hand that is on the floor. To the left and right is one rep. Keep your core tight on this exercise, and you may feel it in your shoulders as well.

Beginner: 30 seconds continuously (1x)

Downward Dog Crunch

Moderate: 30 seconds continuously (2x)

Advanced: 30 seconds continuously (3x)

Side Crunches

Are you familiar with a regular crunch where your shoulder blades are coming up off of the ground? This is the exact same thing, except you will be laying on your left side for 30 seconds crunching, and then over to your right side. No matter what side you are laying on, make sure those lateral muscles come up off of the ground!

Side Crunches

Beginner: 30 seconds continuously (1x)

Moderate: 30 seconds continuously (2x)

Advanced: 30 seconds continuously (3x)

Alternating Superman

In this exercise you will want to lay flat on your stomach with both of your arms and legs extended. Lifting opposite arm, opposite legs out you will want to reach up to the sky with both the arm and leg that are off the ground. Squeeze the buttocks at the end. Left and right is equal to one rep.

Beginner: 30 seconds continuously (1x)

Alternating Superman

Moderate: 30 seconds continuously (2x)

Advanced: 30 seconds continuously (3x)


Reverse Crunches

Instead of bringing your shoulder blades up off of the ground, you will be bringing your hips up off of the ground. Your legs will be in the air. This particular exercise will be working your lower abs, so try and focus on control versus speed.

Reverse Crunches

Beginner: 30 seconds continuously (1x)

Moderate: 30 seconds continuously (2x)

Advanced: 30 seconds continuously (3x)

Side Plank Rotation

Remember good old planking, where both of your elbows are on the ground, and toes are on the ground? This is similar, but you will be balancing on your side with one elbow as your base. Your opposite hand will be straight up in the air, and when you are rotating you will bring the arm elevated in the air all the way down to the elbow balancing on the ground. Rotate it back up in the air and repeat. 30 seconds on each elbow will count as 1 rep of 30 seconds.

Side Plank Rotation

Beginner: 30 seconds continuously (1x)

Moderate: 30 seconds continuously (2x)

Advanced: 30 seconds continuously (3x)

Cool down, and stretch out your back and your abdominal muscles so that you stay limber and healthy! Don’t forget to log your progress and drink up!


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